ceramic research institute

so many posts to catch up on.  this is my first short term residency and while i’m thrilled about how much i was able to get done, i especially cannot wait to share all the little details with everyone.

today, finally, i was able to visit the shiga prefectural shigaraki ceramic research institute, a separate entity from the ceramic cultural park where i am doing my residency.  there are students studying ceramics full time there but it is also open to the public.  meaghan brought up wanting to look for glaze recipes on one of the first days i was here and today we finally made it there.

i’m not a huge glaze person but o.m.g.  once we had signed in we went upstairs to a relatively small room filled with shelves.  which were filled with file boxes filled with cardboard sheets filled with test tiles.  triaxle blends, line blends, some with recipes, others with kiln schedules attached.  it was out of control.

as you flip through you might notice that some images are upside down.  i was just going crazy with my phone trying to get as much data as possible in each frame in hopes of translating some of the recipes.

2 thoughts on “ceramic research institute

  1. I am Javier Petrilli Rincón, i live in Xalapa Veracruz, Mexico and I am working for the Universidad Veracruzana as an academic. I had the privilege of being in Shiga and exchange as a student in that Instuituto of ceramics, and i had the pleasure to meet teachers and friends as Takai and Miyadai and his family, many of them receive conocimintetos support. Thank you for this, I have no words just my recognition. apetrilli@uv.mx javierpetrilli@hotmail.com
    私はハビエル Petrilli コーナーです、私は Xalapa ベラクルズ、メキシコに住んでいます、そして私は学者として Universidad Veracruzana で働いています。 セラミックスとiの Instuituto が Takai と Miyadai と彼の家族として教師と友人たちに会う喜びを持っていたという点で、私は学生として滋賀と交換にある特典を持っていました、(彼・それ)らの多くが conocimintetos サポートを受けます。これをありがとうございます、I 言葉がただ私の認識を持っていますか。 apetrilli@uvmx javierpetrilli@hotmailcom

    • that’s awesome javier! i was a resident at togei no mori, so i only got to visit the institute but everyone was welcoming and open and i hope to go back someday! do you still do ceramics? i’d love to see your work or hear about what you’re working on!

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