living with art at st. croix apartments.












st. croix apartment complex houses about 10 of uf’s mfas/recently graduated.  Last night they opened their doors and invited the public into their homes to look at the art that they “live with” on a daily basis.  some apartments transformed into pristine gallery spaces and some transformed altogether.

i started at the door which had the biggest crowd when i arrived.  gleefully that crowd seemed to shift organically around the the complex through out the night.  galen olmsted’s monolithic wooden structure covered in porcelain poops stood surrounded by kalina winska’s large ethereal paintings.

next i moved upstairs.   drew avakian’s cut and reassembled, structured pots contrasted nicely with donna flanery’s soft, painterly cups and teapots.   rob kolhouse’s futuristic busts held court alongside them.

back downstairs i found that varian wolf and charlie cummings, both big advocates for the florida springs, had filled their apartment with water and fish in order to allow us to experience life under the water for ourselves.  luckily we were able to enjoy it without getting wet from the comfort of chairs outside, where we could observe the underwater goings on through the front windows.  their projections of spring life at times presented compelling narratives that we wouldn’t otherwise be privy to.

down a ways, in jen clay’s apartment, large, long legged birds had taken over the everyday living room scene.  they seemed to be jumping on everything, their blue, white and black feathers leaving a puffy trail.  In the kitchen, one of clay’s “friendly unknowns” seemed to be having a fit over spilled milk and dry cereal.  though clay’s apartment itself was the least changed, her creatures inhabiting the space transformed it into a wild unknown.

kate helms’ door was closed but in her absence she had placed a sculptural replica of herself, complete with overalls and a conductor’s cap.  one of her works memorializing the cabbage palm was also displayed.

lastly, i visited the apartment of one of the organizers.  several 2d works were hung, and when you ventured back into one of the bedrooms turned gallery you saw Jessika Normington’s light and string installation.  The bright cacaphony of color and light against a fluffy white cotton clouds turned x-mess lights into firefly crackles of electricity.

after popping our heads up into the light scape some of sat on the floor and chatted.  eventually the night died down.  doors closed.  a pie-zilla and coke showed up upstairs. good times were had by all.

unfortunately i didn’t get pics of everything but here are some pics from galen’s facebook.

nice night team st. croix!





the hard part.

so it’s almost the end of the semester.  this program has been super challenging.  when i look back on the last few months i feel like i haven’t gotten much work made, certainly no where near the amounts of productivity i was at during my residency.  but after my last crit i felt like what i wasn’t making in quantity i was making in quality.  the work is no where near resolved but i feel so great about it.  i feel like it’s moving forward and coming closer to the images in my head, i’m so glad!

upcoming projects

bumbswhew, what a relief to have the show up.  opening night was great.  my awesome parents catered the event, providing more than enough foccacia, stromboli, hummus, coponata and beverages.  lars din and mel malfa played some sweet tunes, there was quite a crowd and sales were good.


and of course i couldn’t have pulled it all off with out the cavalry coming in at the last moment in the form of a.  she helped me with hanging, designed all the text for the wall, took installation images and offered unwavering moral support.



i’ve been taking a break from the studio.  i picked up a few shifts at my job the last couple of days but  finally stopped in at the studio today to sweep.  it’s that time again.  time to sweep and mop and rearrange my studio space and get back to work.

some exciting projects are coming up.

-this weekend is folk fest.  i’ll be there with some folks from the clay co. as well as having a booth with the artlink team.  mary anne and i just started a blog about our artlink partnership.

-november 21st i’ll be selling work at an art sale in gulfport called “eclectic and then some.”  i’ll post more details on that soon.

-the atomic holiday bazaar is december 12th.  i’m really looking forward to participating.

and last but not least

-march 12th white box 2 opens.  a four person show curated by kara walker tome.


getting amped.

tomorrow is j’s closing reception.  the show has been open all week.  if you haven’t seen it yet i would definitely recommend coming out tomorrow.

monday the show will come down and i’ll get down to the business of installing.  can’t say much at this point except that i am very appreciative of everyone who is helping everything along.  i am highly stressed!  but so much awesomeness is happening simultaneously.  i got a very exciting invitation to show in march as part of a four person show.

my brain is getting ready to explode, but in a good way, often.  just need to get through this week.

ok, here is a little preview from the kiln i just opened…

wall peice peeking out.

wall peice peeking out.

wall piece...

wall piece...

this one will hang...

this one will hang...

summer time in the studio.

our a.i.r. studios are burning up about now.  st. pete clay is housed in a big red brick train station from the 1920’s.  up front where the member studios, retail galleries and highwater clay are housed is air conditioned but walking back through the building, once you hit the kiln room, it’s nothing but toasty. i spent most of the day at the studio today but after an hour or so i had to run out for beverages.  using my sweet rolling sculpture stands i moved everything up front.  when sabo left to go back to alaska his space transitioned into a small work area for classes or overheated a.i.r.s so that’s where i set up.  went and got some vitamin water and um, regular water and got back to work.

it was great to spend the whole day working in the studio.  right now is kind of a transitional time.  during this residency i have worked really hard to “be around” as much as possible and not take this time or space for granted.  i had a really good job situation, working part time with benefits at my main job and part time at creative clay but recently, due to the crazy economy, i had to go full time to keep my benifits.  not that i’m complaining.  i am definitely thankful that there was a position for me to transition into.  now i have the task ahead of me to continue to be around and continue learning with less time.  i know this summer will be tough, and i’ll struggle to keep my nose to the grindstone.  so far though, being at work more has made me feel more motivated to get into the studio in the time i do have.

i’m preparing for my end of residency show.  it’s not officially scheduled yet but will be in early fall, september or so.  hard to believe i’ve been at this 9 monthes.  i have learned so much, made a lot of work and done a few shows.  by the time i put that solo show up, fill up a whole gallery with shit i made, i think i will be pretty satisfied with my experience.

i’m also putting together some little guys for the annual flower and garden sale next next weekend.  my  parents are obsessed with gardening so they separated out some baby succulent plants for me to make some pots for.  i’m not much of a vessel maker but hopefully they’ll be sweet.

drawing for new sculptures

drawing for new sculptures

first one

first one

succulent planters-before:


stay tuned for the after….


finally getting into the swing of things, work wise.  i worked a lot less, this week, and that got me four days in the studio, actually working.  i may be sorry when my paycheck comes, but that’s the way it’s going to have to be.  my bills are pretty minimal and i am able to stay mostly stocked with food by visiting my parents house (yum!) but this month had some major put outs, i.e. buying the 300sd and driving down to west palm to get it.  pretty minimal, you might think, but i’m a paycheck to paycheck kind of girl.  so i’m trying to lay as low as possible this week and hope that my pay covers next months bills.  creative clay gives me a little extra cash each week, though my four hours there are so delightful, i sometimes forget i’m getting paid.  i am hoping to add on a few more hours with there art link program.  one of their member artists and and artist like me are linked up and create a body of work over a period of time (9 months?) and then during the summer there is a show.  i was super impressed with this summer’s show.  two artists i know and there art link partners made some very involved installations, one with found objects and one with sewn dolls.  working on the garden path installation right now has got the wheels in my head turning about how i could work with one of cc’s artist on a full scale installation with clay or found objects. cc is a good combo of “working” and making art with a little bit of hanging out and bonding thrown in.  i’ve definitely noticed when you work with other artists on a weekly basis, you start building a relationship.

anyway, the point was, trying to work less, and make art more.  i’m trying.  whew is it hard though sometimes.  i think i should start taking snap shots each day as i leave the studio and post them here so i can see my progress over time.

of course, i love my job too.  i spent the summer trying to learn as much as i could, and to get as good as i could at it so that when i got this residency i could shift my focus briefly to learning everything about it.  and hopefully a great equilibrium will eventually exist.

ok, i’m out.